A report released by the French National Observatory of Delinquency and Criminal Responses (ONDRP) has said that in 2017, France saw a huge increase in both sexual and violent crime.

According to the annual report, the number of people across the country who experienced violence outside of their household rose from 173,000 cases in 2016 to 265,000 in 2017, a 53 per cent increase, Valeurs Actuelles reports.

Of the 265,000, around 93,000 claim to have been a victim of either rape or attempted rape in 2017, up from 58,000 the previous year.

569,000 households were robbed in 2017, and just over a million people said they had been victims of non-violent robberies while 210,000 said they had been robbed and subjected to violence. Non-violent thefts increased by 46 per cent compared to 2016 and broke a previous multi-year trend of decline.

Analysis of the data reveals that Paris is the most prone to home robberies and that they mostly occur in the summer months and around Christmas time.

Problems with underage criminal migrant criminals in some Parisian suburbs has become so pronounces, French officers brought in police from Morocco to help not only catch the perpetrators but also to identify them so that they could be deported back to their home country.

While 1,500 were arrested earlier this year, only six Moroccans were actually deported.

Violence has become more common in France, especially random acts of violence of which there are thought to be as many as 777 cases per day across the country.

Earlier this week a report published by the Council of Europe revealed that between 2005 and 2015 the prison population of France had also increased by 23 per cent and that the resulting overcrowding in French prisons has become a major issue.

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