A gang of North African youths from Algeria robbed an Italian Senator of the Five Star Movement (M5S) along with a judge at Rome’s central Termini railway station.

Senator Gabriele Lanzi and the judge were robbed by three Algerian men, with the judge having his briefcase stolen, shortly after finishing his lunch at a restaurant near the station, Il Giornale reports.

A short time after the first robbery, Senator Lanzi was attempting to find a taxi when he was approached by the migrant youths who districted him and stole his bag which contained a laptop, an iPad and various documents.

The Senator quickly alerted police who were able to arrest two of the migrants, aged 20 and 27, who have been charged with aggravated theft. Police were also able to recover the objects stolen from both the judge and the senator.

The incident comes as the Five Star Movement, along with the left-establishment Democratic Party (PD), have formed a new coaliton government and made changes to open Italy’s ports to NGO migrant transport ships, with 182 migrants landing in Italy last weekend.

The area around the Termini railway station has become a hub for illegal migrants and a hub for criminality in recent years.

In the past year alone, the area has several violent incidents, including a pair of illegal migrants arrested for beating up and robbing a 70-year-old woman who had her arm broken as a result of the attack when she was thrown to the ground.

Just months later, a Moroccan migrant was arrested after he stabbed a homeless man at the railway station because he was wearing a necklace with a crucifix on it.

Giorgia Meloni, leader of the conservative-populist Brothers of Italy (FdI), slammed the incident, saying, “If Muslims think of bringing the holy war into our house, it is time to take drastic measures: it remains only to block any kind of Islamic immigration until these ideas are clarified.”

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