A senior member of Finland’s Left Alliance has resigned over allegations he used an anonymous Twitter account to call for the murder of climate deniers and fascists.

The Left Alliance announced the resignation of Misha Dellinger as Executive Vice President in the west of Finland after reports emerged that he may have called or the death of political opponents, broadcaster Yle reports.

The BBC-like broadcaster published details of Dellinger’s alleged activity on Thursday, noting that the Twitter account @huggywuggy2 had stated “Climate deniers should be shot” and “I think we should kill fascists”.

Li Andersson, leader of the Left Alliance and current Education Minister in prime minister Sanna Marin’s largely female millennial government, denounced the tweets — but said that Dellinger had told her that several people had access to the account and he did not write the tweets in question personally.

Dellinger does not deny operating the account, saying that he used it before he became a senior member of the Left Alliance. The messages advocating murder and violence were posted in 2016 and 2017 and despite being active recently, the account has now been closed.

Dellinger initially locked his own Twitter account after the revelations but later posted on Twitter that he condemned violence and intimidation and apologised, claiming “the account does not live up to my values.”

“I sincerely apologize to the party, my fellow party members and the left-wing electorate for the uproar surrounding the issue,” he said.

The scandal comes just months after another leftist politician, Social Democrat Abdirahim “Husu” Hussein, admitted to making up a hate hoax because he was “angry” at the time.

Hussein, a Somali migrant and taxi driver, had claimed a passenger had gone on a racist tirade against him.

He admitted he’d made up the incident when GPS data from the taxi company poked holes in his story.

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