A 25-year-old woman claims to have been dragged off the street in Paris and raped earlier this week by a man she described as having an “African-type” appearance in what is just the latest public rape attack within a week.

The woman was allegedly raped at around 3 a.m. on Thursday in the 12th arrondissement (district) of Paris near the Rue Erard, with the 25-year-old victim claiming she was dragged into a dead end by a man near the Reuilly-Diderot metro station.

The young woman described the man as having an “African-type” appearance and said that he proceeded to rape her before fleeing the scene, the newspaper Le Figaro reports.

The woman, in a state of shock, reported the attack to local police but was unable to identify the exact area in which the alleged attack took place. She was later transported to the Saint-Antoine hospital while police opened an investigation into the incident.

The alleged rape in a public place comes less than a week after a 27-year-old American tourist was raped in a public washroom at around 1 a.m. last Sunday near the Notre Dame Cathedral.

After the young woman did not come back from the washroom, her boyfriend followed to make sure she was alright and found her being raped by a man who had followed her into the toilet. The washroom was supposed to be guarded by a security guard, according to Le Figaro.

The man, a homeless 23-year-old born in Algeria, was later arrested by police and has since been indicted for aggravated rape.

Sex attacks on women in Paris have been a major issue for years, particularly on the city’s sprawling metro system, with a report from 2019 indicating that police had received over a thousand reports of sex assaults the prior year.

In 2018 a French police officer, who works as part of a plainclothes team on the Paris metro, admitted that the majority of suspects in sex attack cases on the Paris metro came from a migration background, and particularly North African backgrounds.

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