The new Premier of the Canadian province of Alberta has slammed the treatment of unvaccinated people in Canada during the coronavirus pandemic, stating they were the most discriminated-against group she’d seen in her lifetime.

Following her election as the leader of Alberta’s ruling United Conservative Party (UCP), Danielle Smith was sworn in as Alberta premier this week on Tuesday and following the ceremony, slammed the treatment of unvaccinated people in Canada during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“[The unvaccinated] have been the most discriminated-against group that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime,” she said.

“I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a situation in my lifetime where a person was fired from their job or not allowed to watch their kids play hockey or not allowed to go visit a loved one in long-term care or hospital, not allowed to get on a plane to either go across the country to see family or even travel across the border,” Smith added.

Smith has also promised to fire and replace Alberta’s chief medical officer of health Dr Deena Hinshaw with other public health officials.

Hinshaw became a controversial figure in Alberta, particularly following an incident in October of last year in which she falsely claimed a 14-year-old child had died due to the coronavirus when the child had actually died from cancer and had tested positive for COVID-19 shortly before his death.

Hinshaw later apologized for her false claims saying, “The pain of losing a child is terrible enough without having that loss compounded by a public debate about the circumstances. I’m sorry if the way that I spoke about that death made your grief worse.”

Premier Smith is also expected to push for the Alberta Soveirgnty Act, a piece of legislation that could allow the province to ignore laws made by the federal government in Ottawa led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau if the laws are not deemed to be in the interest of Albertans.

“No longer will Alberta ask permission from Ottawa to be prosperous and free. We will not have our voices silenced or censored. We will not be told what we must put in our bodies in order that we may work or travel,” Smith said after winning the leadership race of the UCP.

“We will not have our resources landlocked or our energy phased out of existence by virtue-signalling prime ministers. Albertans, not Ottawa, will chart our own destiny on our terms, and will work with our fellow Canadians to build the most free and prosperous country on earth,” she said.

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