After the Vatican revealed Friday that Pope Francis’ meeting with Kentucky clerk Kim Davis did not constitute “support,” the Vatican revealed yet another juicy tidbit about the Pope’s trip: he requested a meeting with a homosexual couple.

According to CNN, Pope Francis explicitly requested a meeting with Yayo Grassi and his partner Iwan. Francis hugged Grassi and Iwan for the cameras. According to Grassi, Francis initiated the meeting: “Three weeks before the trip, he called me on the phone and said he would love to give me a hug.”

Furthermore, the Vatican, in disowning the Davis meeting, explained, “The only real audience by the Pope at the nunciature was with one of his former students and his family.”

Grassi said he was “the former student.” His family, presumably, was his homosexual partner.

That language is quite telling: describing Iwan as Grassi’s “family,” as the statement suggests, acknowledges that homosexual couples are families, a major departure from Catholic teaching.

Is there any doubt that this media-savvy Pontiff felt the need to prevent leftist attacks on him over the Davis meeting by first disassociating from Davis, then by putting out news of the gay meetup? Why else would the media find out about the two stories simultaneously, and just days after news broke of the Davis meeting in the first place?

Clearly, the Pope believes that his need for leftist media approval to push his leftist agenda – radical environmentalism, redistributionism, pacifism – trumps emphasis on key elements of Catholic doctrine. If Francis has to buy off the press with stories ripping Kim Davis and championing papal tolerance for homosexual couples, that’s because he has something bigger at play. Evidence continues to mount that Pope Francis is a devotee of liberation theology, the Marxist theology prominent in Latin America and decried by Pope John Paul II (“does not tally with the church’s catechism”) and Pope Benedict XVI (“singular heresy”).

But at least the Pope can be assured of another cover from The Advocate.

Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News, Editor-in-Chief of, and The New York Times bestselling author, most recently, of the book, The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.