A homeless man no longer has to worry about where he will sleep at night thanks to a business owner in Canby, Oregon.

For the past month and a half, 69-year-old Glenn Stevens has used a metal bench outside a strip mall as his bed, according to KGW8.

“It was convenient. It’s a safe environment right here,” he said of the bench and shopping area.

Stevens told reporters that he recently lost everything but the clothes on his back. “I lost everything in my life. You’re looking at what’s left,” he commented.

He said he spends his days volunteering at a local food bank to make the time pass and help others in need.

“Look for things to do to make the day go by,” he told reporters.

However, when local business owner Heather Doern saw Stevens lying on the bench one evening, she wanted to make sure he was okay.

“I walked over and asked him if he was waiting for somebody, and he said he wasn’t,” she recalled. “I said, ‘Can I help with something?’ and he said, ‘I’m homeless. Am I bothering you by sitting here?’”

What bothered Doern was the fact that her new friend had nowhere to call home, so she decided to do something about it.

Once she posted the story to Facebook, her online community stepped up to the challenge and raised $2,000 to buy Stevens a trailer in hopes it would help him get back on his feet.

“I just think it’s a human treating another human with kindness is my only description of it. I feel anybody would do it,” Doern said.

At the Association of Oregon Counties conference in Eugene this week, officials said, “Affordability, availability, and lack of variety of housing types are three problems facing counties,” according to KLCC.

Additionally, a recent study found that Oregon had the fourth highest number of homeless people in the nation, KATU reported.

However, Stevens no longer has to worry about where he will sleep at night, thanks to the kindness of his new friends.

“I love you,” Stevens said to Doern Friday evening after she showed him around his new place. “That’s the best I can do on short notice.”