VIDEO: Citizen Rescues Eight-Year-Old Lost in Detroit

The humble man who came to an eight-year-old boy’s rescue when he was lost on Detroit’s east side is getting a lot of positive attention.

The child’s mother is also heaping praise on the citizen, whose name is Will Eiland. But he did not see his actions as anything special, Click on Detroit reported Thursday.

Kearstin Sanders described her son Denver Young’s experience as “very traumatic” in a social media post on Saturday.

The story began when Eiland was walking home after work Tuesday near 7 Mile Road and Conant Street and saw something unusual.

“I’ve got nieces and nephews that size, so there was a kid on the ground crying, so I knew something had to be wrong,” he explained.

Little Denver had been put on the wrong bus at Barber Prep Academy and his destination was supposed to be the west side.

In the meantime, two police departments and other helpers searched tirelessly for the child:

Sanders previously taught her little boy to never speak to strangers, but Eiland knew he had to keep him safe and stayed with the child. He eventually learned he lived on Harlow Avenue.

Eiland used his phone to Google the street and have the boy pinpoint where he lived.

When a city bus arrived, the pair hopped on and the bus driver allowed them to ride to the correct destination where Eiland dropped Denver off at his home.

“My son believes he saved his life, and I believe it too,” Sanders explained.

Eiland maintains he did nothing special, telling Click on Detroit, “I just thought it was the right thing to do.”

Social media users also praised him for rescuing the boy.

“This guy is a hero thank you for caring and making sure this sweet child gets home safely. May you always be blessed!” one person commented.

“This man needs to be given an award. Not many people would of done what he did! Great job Will!” another said.