A Utah man who experienced some tough challenges is now able to rest easy thanks to the return of his special companion.

Shane Adams worried about his favorite horse, Mongo, for eight years after he went missing, Fox News reported Wednesday.

During that time, Adams suffered many hardships which included a major brain injury when he was involved in a serious car wreck.

But a few months ago when he learned Mongo had been found, Adams was shocked and had a hard time believing it was actually true.

Adams wrote in a social media post in September that included images of himself with Mongo, “He’s finally home! Miracles do happen!”

In March 2014, Adams was camping in the West Desert and heard horses outside his tent. When he got up to see what was happening, he saw Mongo break loose and run after a herd of wild Mustangs.

He tried to catch up to Mongo but a snowstorm prevented him. Adams spent three years searching for his friend every weekend with his father, who passed away in August.

Now, Adams said he wished his dad was there to see how the story ended.

After the horse ran away, Adams contacted the Bureau of Land Management in Utah (BLM Utah) and spread the word about Mongo going missing.

When it seemed all hope was lost, he received a message from a BLM Utah employee in September which said Mongo had been located after being brought in with others on Dugway Proving Ground during a gather of excess horses.

Mongo stuck out to officials because he acted like a domesticated horse and his brand helped identify him.

During his time in the wild, Mongo lost over 400 pounds. However, the second he laid eyes on Adams, it was like they had never been separated.

Adams described the moment as “the only positive thing to happen to me in two years.” He is now working to help Mongo get back to a healthy weight.

In addition, the homecoming has given Adams some much-needed inspiration.

“It makes me feel like I can actually recover more and do better and get myself back,” he told Fox 13.