North Carolina State Rep. Chris Mills is calling for the state’s Democratic Secretary of State to resign amid a growing scandal about her office granting the legal power of notary public to hundreds of illegals, potentially enabling them to approve absentee ballots requests by illegal aliens.

“If you choose not to resign, please know that I will proceed with all legislative actions, including a resolution of impeachment,” Mills said in a March 27 letter to Secretary of State Elaine Marshall. 

Mills’ letter Marshall allowed aliens, including illegal aliens covered by former President Barack Obama’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals quasi-amnesty, to be commissioned as legal notaries in North Carolina.

Marshall’s office has been issuing the notary commissions, despite federal and state law, to people with no green card or other proof of legal residence other than the documents they received under DACA, Mills said. Her office also incorrectly characterized an “advisory letter” from the state’s Department of Justice to justify the policy, he said. “Given the abundance, preponderance, and details of this evidence, it is clear that you have commissioned to many types of aliens (including illegal aliens) the authority as notaries public over the last nine years. You and your office have failed to properly qualify these individuals before granting commissions,” Mills concludes in his letter.

“Given the abundance, preponderance, and details of this evidence, it is clear that you have commissioned to many types of aliens (including illegal aliens) the authority as notaries public over the last nine years. You and your office have failed to properly qualify these individuals before granting commissions,” Mills concludes in his letter.

The election implications of these illegal alien notaries were particularly troubling to Mills. “North Carolina today … has commissioned more than 325 alien notaries who can singlehandedly validate fraudulent votes statewide, if they are so inclined,” Mills wrote.

The scandal over notary commissions broke in September with a story by the North State Journal. Mills’s subsequent investigation revealed hundreds of instances of improper documents being accepted, including documents belonging t0 an alien already subject to a final order of deportation.