Residents of Montgomery County, Maryland, gathered last week to protest the sanctuary county’s protecting of illegal aliens accused of sexual assault and child sex crimes.

“What has happened since we’ve become a sanctuary county is north of Shady Grove Road has become another country,” Montgomery County resident Adol T. Owens-Williams II told Breitbart News.

“[The illegal aliens] use America’s taxpayers as their means of support, while they go around engaging in senseless, sadistic behavior is absolutely inexcusable,” Owens-Williams added.

Kathryn Ader, another resident of the D.C. suburb, expressed her concerns with news reports that illegal aliens have been released back into the public after being charged with crimes against Americans.

“You have to worry about locking your doors and stuff more now,” Ader said. “You have to worry about walking outside.”

“These policies are only benefitting people who have gated communities,” Ader said. “They don’t benefit people who actually have to live here … work here.”

The residents were participating in a #StandwithICE event featuring Michelle Malkin, Tom Fitton, and Sebastian Gorka.

Watch the entire event below:

John Binder contributed to this article.