Republican gubernatorial hopeful and former U.S. Treasury official Neel Kashkari is, by far, the most well-funded candidate in the GOP, and enjoys the rhetorical support of the party establishment. However, he is a distant fourth in the latest Field Poll, drawing only 2% of likely voters–well below the poll’s margin of error.

Kashkari is third place in the Republican field, behind Assemblyman Tim Donnelly with 17%, and Laguna Hills Mayor Andrew Blount with 3%.

 Incumbent Jerry Brown leads with 57% of likely voter support. Republicans even prefer Brown to Blount or Kashkari, with the Democrat drawing 17% of the Republican vote (behind 34% for Donnelly) and 20% of the Tea Party vote (behind 31% for Donnelly, who identifies with the Tea Party).

Despite repeated controversies over his blunt statements on illegal immigration and gun rights, Donnelly has a slightly positive impression among likely voters (26% favorable, 24% unfavorable). The moderate Kashkari has a slightly negative impression (16% favorable, 20% unfavorable). 

All will compete directly with Brown in the June 3 primary, which follows the “blanket” or “jungle” system. The top two candidates will advance.