Want to get a sense of the ridiculous lengths to which leftist lobbyists (led by the American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU) want to go to coddle illegal alien lawbreakers? Look no further than their support of an unlawful Los Angeles Police Department regulation known as Special Order 7.

Special Order 7 is an LAPD regulation requiring vehicles driven by unlicensed drivers–the vast majority of whom are illegal aliens–to be released instead of impounded for 30-days. Because, well, why shouldn’t an unlicensed illegal alien be granted permission by the police to continue to break the law and threaten public safety? (That’s the twisted reasoning of the left on this issue.)

Judicial Watch filed a taxpayer lawsuit challenging this nonsensical and dangerous regulation and achieved a major victory when the California Superior court ruled in August 2013 that Special Order 7 violated the California Constitution and the California Vehicle Code.

As you might expect, however, this ruling did not sit well with the ACLU. After an intense lobbying campaign by the ACLU and its allies in the illegal alien community, the City of Los Angeles appealed. This week, we filed our answer.

As we point out, under Section 14602.6 of the California Vehicle Code, officers are given the discretion to arrest a driver and impound his or her vehicle for 30 days if the driver has never been issued a license or is driving on a suspended or revoked license.

Under Section 14607.6, officers are required to impound a vehicle if a driver is unlicensed or driving on a suspended or revoked license and has a history of unlawful driving. Special Order 7 “has re-written laws enacted by the Legislature,” according to Judicial Watch’s answer brief, making the LAPD regulation “unlawful, ultra vires, and void.”

Specifically, Judicial Watch’s “Combined Answer Brief,” filed on behalf of Los Angeles resident and taxpayer Harold Sturgeon, makes the following key arguments:

Both LAPD Special Order [N]o. 7 and California Vehicle Code section[s] 14602.6 and 14607.6 regulate the release of a vehicle to its registered owner when the vehicle has been seized because it was driven by someone not in possession of a valid driver’s license.


We are not alone in this battle. The City’s police union, the Los Angeles Police Protective League, also filed a lawsuit challenging Special Order 7.

Again, advocates for illegal aliens represented by the ACLU intervened on the side of the City to help defend the LAPD regulation. In October 2013, a panel of three justices from the California Court of Appeals granted the City of Los Angeles a temporary stay that allows the LAPD to continue to follow Special Order 7 while the case works its way through the appeals process.

We’ve made our position clear. We believe the Appeals Court should uphold the Superior Court’s decision and protect and defend California’s Constitution against LAPD regulation. Special Order 7 is illegal and dangerous. Unlicensed drivers–whether they are illegal aliens or not–are a menace to public safety. Los Angeles should not put immigration politics above the public safety.

The LAPD has a history of supporting illegal alien sanctuary policies that put the city’s citizens at risk.

Judicial Watch previously sued the LAPD over Special Order 40, a regulation that prohibits police officers from initiating “police action with the objective of discovering the alien status of a person.” Despite an obvious conflict with federal law, California state courts refused to let the challenge against Special Order 40 proceed to trial. This is a new appellate court battle!