The Huffington Post, in its zeal to slam GOP candidates for any faux pas that it can find, has taken GOP House candidate Tony Strickland to task because his campaign sent a robocall extolling his support of Second Amendment rights and the support he receives from the National Rifle Association the day after the rampage at the University of California Santa Barbara.

The audio was posted by on Saturday.

Evan Handy, a spokesman for Strickland, explained that the call had already been scheduled before the attack’s began. He told HuffPo, “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and victims of this tragedy.”

Strickland is running in California’s 25th district; he previously was a state senator for California’s 19th Senate district, which includes the area where the attack occurred.

According to HuffPo:

The timing of the robocall is clearly incidental, but reflects a tendency among many Republican candidates to cozy up to the NRA and promote their pro-gun records without giving much thought to the prevalence of gun violence across the country.