The iPhone-controlled bicycle called the Visiobike could be a new milestone in electric biking, and the safest bicycle to date, according to TechCrunch.

The Visiobike is a carbon-fiber, “electric/mechanical hybrid” bicycle that has an automatic transmission and a battery assist to help riders get up tough hills. An iPhone dock sits atop the handlebars, while specially-designed apps give riders a speedometer and transmission control system. A built-in, rear-view video camera captures real-time traffic and can automatically record accidents, should they happen.

Probably the most innovative feature of the bike is its built-in accident notification system: if the bike comes to an immediate, unplanned stop, the rider’s phone sends out an alert to local emergency services, cutting down crucial emergency response time. The bike also features disc brakes and emergency lights, likely making it one of the safest bikes around.

Visiobike founder Marko Matenda spoke to Breitbart News by phone from Croatia on Thursday:

I got the idea for Visiobike about a year and a half ago. My father brought back an electric bike from China that was awful, it didn’t work. But I immediately saw the potential for electric bikes to transform transportation in our communities.

Matenda says he got to work, bringing on a team of engineers to build the apps and a separate team of design specialists to help the product stand out on the competitive bike market.

The cost of the high-tech bike is about €4,500, or about $5,300, which may be a bit high for the casual rider, but those who buy the bike on the company’s IndieGogo campaign site get €600 off. The Croatia-based Visiobike hopes to raise €180,000, or just over $250,000, before the launch of the bike in December.