Sacramento County supervisors will pass an ordinance on Tuesday limiting indoor medical marijuana grow operations to nine plants per household, according to the Sacramento Bee.

Supervisor Roberta McGlashan proposed the restrictions earlier this year in the wake of complaints from county residents. Marijuana plants can only be grown in single-family, detached houses, and must be hidden from public view.

Two months ago, Sacramento County passed an ordinance banning outdoor marijuana growing outright, citing safety concerns.

The nine-plant limit is fewer than the 18 that National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) and other medical marijuana advocates had requested from supervisors. NORML Sacramento president Bob Bowerman said in the report that nine plants would only allow patients to cultivate an ounce a month, at most; he said he knew patients that need an ounce, or even two, per week.

Community Development Department spokesman Chris Pahule disagreed with Bowerman, saying in the report that staff research showed each plant could produce between one to four ounces of marijuana. He also said the limit was not meant to satisfy all medical marijuana patients, but that it was created so authorities could have an enforceable law, according to the Bee.

The nine-plant indoor limit is expected to pass on Tuesday, and will reportedly take effect in mid-July.