The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) transported hundreds of illegal immigrant children who were stopped by US Border Patrol agents to the Naval Base Ventura County in the City of Port Hueneme. 

City officials claim they were not informed of the housing initiative “until they read it in the newspapers like everyone else.”

Port Hueneme officials have been assured by the HHS that there will be no fiscal impact on the city. City officials invited Navy representatives to come and make a presentation explaining the events at the next city council meeting. According to Watchdog Wire California, the Navy doesn’t consider the housing project news because they did not mention it in their top stories section, on their official webpage.

According to a naval base media specialist, the housing project is targeted to last for 120 days, but he had no information on the fiscal impact to the local municipalities. Moreover, Watchdog Wire said that they have not received any response from an inquiry that they made to the HHS department about the children being housed there, which they maintain is a White House-driven program.