Speaking with Los Angeles-based CBS News affiliate KCAL9, Leehy Shaar, the aunt of Gilad Shaar, one of the three Israeli boys murdered by Hamas operatives, said sadly, “Again, they were just boys, just kids.”

Shaer had just moved to Los Angeles, and was hoping to go home to Israel for a celebration when Gilad was found, KCAL reports. Now she is going back to grieve with her family. She remembered her 16-year-old nephew as always happy, loving life, and taking care of his five younger sisters.

“I don’t believe that he’s not here any more, I don’t believe it,” she said quietly. “I just heard that they found them in a hole, tied…I guess they shoot them.” Starting to tear up, she said quietly, “My brother feels that at least they didn’t suffer much.”

Steeling herself to ignore her own anguish, she added, “I really hope that they are the last three victims in this terrorism.”

Image: KCAL9