A Reason-Rupe Survey of 2,000 American millennials between the ages of 18 and 29 titled “Millennials: The Politically Unclaimed Generation” found that 66% believe government is inefficient and wasteful, up by 24% since 2009. 

Only 18% of millennials believe government regulators act in the public’s interest, while 63% say regulators favor special interests. Millennials also believe by over two to one that government agencies abuse their powers.

The Reason-Rupe report finds that because of millennials’ skepticism of government, they favor general reductions to government spending and regulations:

However, alongside their belief in smaller government, millennials paradoxically support more government action and higher spending in certain areas:

Millennials are fairly united in political philosophy:

However, millennials’ philosophy on economic issues narrows the liberal / conservative gap:

Millennials are strongly opposed to nanny state regulations:

Millennials’ voting intentions for 2014:

Millennials have generally Democratic voting intentions for 2016:

Indeed, more millennials identify as Democrat than Republican, though far more than either identify as Independent:

Millennials don’t identify with the political parties and don’t have much confidence in them. When asked who they trust most to handle a series of policy issues, young Americans said they trust “neither” party to handle 12 of 15 issues surveyed. Millennials do trust Democrats the most on gay marriage, the environment, and poverty. Millennials only trust Republicans the most on promoting entrepreneurship.

The author welcomes feedback and will respond to reader comments.

From July 15th to July 29th, Chriss Street will be teaching “Entrepreneurship and Capitalist Business Strategy” at Ho Chi Mihn University in Vietnam.