SAN DIEGO — Thousands of superheroes flocked to the San Diego Convention Center for the annual Comic-Con, a convention devoted to comic books and the media industries that have spring up around them. Though comic book conventions are held in many cities throughout the country, the San Diego convention is the most prominent because it is where Hollywood has chosen to promote its new superhero movies, with stars in tow.

The social scene outside was striking, both inside the convention and on the streets surrounding it. Fans of all ages wearing superhero outfits and even Monty Python costumes mingled with models, photographers and vendors in an A-list-meets-D-list extravaganza. It was as if an Academy Awards party were being held inside the bar from Star Wars–as if the wildest dreams of America’s nerds were wonderfully, inexplicably coming true.

The highlights of this year’s convention include a celebration of the 75th anniversary of Batman, the launch of a new Mike Tyson comic book series, and even a panel on transgender issues in the comic book industry. Sexual politics are a hot topic in the industry, with Marvel releasing a new version of Thor in which the Norse god of Thunder is a woman. Ultimately, the fans have the final say–and for three hot days in July, they rule the world.

Below are some highlights from San Diego:

A classic.

Macho Man lives!

Not sure exactly who they are meant to be, but they seem happy.

A real hero watches the superheroes on parade.