CBS Sacramento reports that California students are going to become more enlightened about their civic duty, if California teachers have their way. A newly-crafted curriculum will be implemented to focus on political issues, candidates running for office, field trips to the state capitol in Sacramento, and other urban problems, including congestion. There will apparently be some guidance urging students to become more involved in civic affairs after they graduate high school.

State Superintendent Tom Torlakson is excited about the new program, saying to CBS Sacramento, “It will be integrated into the new learning. It won’t be studied separately; it will be studied in conjunction with science, arts, history and culture.”

California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye echoed, “They have a part in the project. They have made friends as part of working together. They’re dedicated to a common goal. And they find things out about themselves so they have interest in coming to school.”

Elk Grove Unified School District’s Dawniell Black argued that the money for the program would be well-spent. She asserted, “There has to be funding to provide teachers with development and funding. That will get them excited about bringing it into their classrooms.”

Unsurprisingly, although the idea has been propounded, there has been no estimate of exactly how much the teacher training will cost the taxpayers. Still, the state hopes to start the program within the next two years.