NAPA, California — Islamic militants, including supporters of ISIS or Islamic State, have hijacked the #napaquake and #napaearthquake hashtags on Twitter in their latest social media strategy to spread their terrorist propaganda across the Internet and to the world. 

Images of terror appeared on earthquake threads amidst users’ tweets of images showing badly damaged buildings, uprooted trees, and bags filled with broken wood, glass and debris from Napa’s most costly earthquake to date.The images were propagated by Islamic State supporters and possibly even combatants themselves.

Below are a few that were discovered:  

This user posted an image of the Islamic State’s flag curled into a tight fist throwing a punch at a fist draped in the American flag, shattering it into pieces–a suggestion of attacks that the extremist terrorists have planned against the Unite Sates, democracy, and western civilization as a whole.

 The #StevensHeadinObamasHands hashtag has also been used in the Islamic State’s propaganda campaign following the savage beheading of American photojournalist James Foley. In an attempt to force President Obama to respond to their threats of executing yet another captured journalist, Steven Sotloff, the Islamic State has posted images such as the one below, and included the #napaquake hashtag in order to up its social media exposure in unique Twitter user searches:  

Here is a chilling message from one presumed Islamic State militant and Twitter user who also used #napaquake to draw attention to her message. Her default picture is of a smiling little girl with braided pig tails. In the upper right hand corner of the user Reehanna_502_’s picture is a flag of the Islamic State (ISIS). The flag was superimposed onto the image: