Citing its theme of “God did not design a mother’s womb to be the baby’s tomb,” St. Stephen’s Cathedral Church of God in Christ, in San Diego, has announced that it will hold memorial services for aborted babies and children abandoned at birth as a part of their Call to Repentance, Forgiveness and Healing Ministry.

Bishop George McKinney, Senior Pastor, will host the services to be held the last Saturday of every month (before the first Sunday of the next month), from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

McKinney is an advocate for life and justice for aborted babies and children abandoned at birth. The services also serve as a time of repentance, forgiveness, and healing for those who have received, assisted, or performed abortions and those who abandoned their child at birth.

According to a press release, the services will be led by a pastor with a Ministry of Reconciliation and Intercessory Prayer who will provide spiritual counseling for those struggling with guilt and shame. Each service will begin with praise, prayer, and scripture reading, continuing with the Memorial Litany that includes the congregation reciting a confession in unity, a time of repentance, and prayer for absolution and healing. 

The release states that those who attend will also receive information regarding certain aspects of abortion vs. an understanding of the spirituality of the act of human sexuality, as a gift from God, and statistics regarding the abortion rate in America.

“God included the parental protective inclination to care for and nurture the new member of the human family from conception to maturity,” the press release says. “The babies in the wombs are members of the family of God, and, at the same time, they are members of the family of man.”

“We join our prayers and our voices with other people of faith who affirm that life is sacred, and the children, in and out of the womb, are precious in God’s sight,” stated Bishop McKinney. “We mourn, agonize, and grieve because of the ongoing slaughter of the innocent who are supposedly safe in the protective environment of the womb.”