California Gov. Jerry Brown, confident of victory as his campaign juggernaut steamrolls GOP rival Neel Kashkari, has amassed over $10.7 million to support Propositions 1 and 2 in the November election. 

Brown has been a vocal supporter of the two propositions, which cover the state’s water bond and rainy-day fund, respectively. His supporters now include: the co-founder of the Gap and her heirs ($1.5 million); Napster co-founder Sean Parker ($1 million); venture capitalist John Doerr ($475,000); the California Dental Association ($200,000); Julie Packard of Hewlett-Packard ($100,000); Wal-Mart ($100,000); and billionaire developer Rick Caruso ($50,000).

Brown donated almost $1.9 million from his own candidacy account, according to the Los Angeles Times. A spokesman for Brown said the $1,9 million was an “in-kind, non-monetary” contribution. Those funds were used for TV ads in which Brown pushed for the passage of both propositions.