A heckler who Hillary Clinton said had “miss[ed] important developmental stages” is hitting back, telling Breitbart News: “I would rather be developmentally delayed than morally corrupt.” Kevin Mottus, an environmental activist and former Republican candidate for Congress in the 33rd congressional district, claims to be the heckler who disrupted Clinton in San Diego this weekend–and said he would do it again.

As Clinton addressed a gathering of the American Academy of Pediatrics on Sunday, Mottus let off a siren and shouted through a bullhorn in an attempt to garner attention for his crusade against microwave transmissions. 

He told Breitbart News in a phone interview that his exact words were: 

Wireless Classrooms cause cancer, heart arrhythmias, electrohypersensitivity, neurological disorders, immune system disorders and damage to reproduction. This is corporate and government murder, corruption, racketeering and cover up. What about [Delaware Attorney General] Beau Biden and the tumor behind his ear where he holds his cell phone? These doctors and people need to wake up–wireless is harming and killing some of us. Wireless classrooms are harming our children and government is covering it up. We need to stop our government from what they are doing. We are the wireless experiment as we are microwaving radiating our children without real safety standards. Wired not wireless classrooms.

As Mottus was removed from the room, Hillary denigrated him, joking, “Ya know, there are some people who miss important developmental stages.”

When asked to respond to Hillary’s comment, Mottus said, “I would rather be developmentally delayed than morally corrupt spending billions to increasingly exposing people to wireless technology that causes cancer, reproductive harm, and other serious disease. This is corporate and government murder and corruption and the federal government has a long history of covering up wireless health effects.”

He emphasized his belief that a number of celebrities, from Biden to Lebron James to Sheryl Crow, have had health issues, including tumors, as a result of carcinogenic microwaves. 

 He then expressed great concern over use of Wi-Fi in school classrooms, saying that “the issue is about power and money and politics being in the way and our children’s health being jeopardized in the process.”

According to Mottus, he gained access to the Clinton event as a paid conference attendee, and spoke to a number of other speakers during the course of the American Academy of Pediatrics event.

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