A medical professional with Kaiser Permanente in San Diego claims that the hospital staff have not received training on Ebola, referring to a letter claiming that hospitals throughout the state are prepares as “outrageous.”

A group of Kaiser Permanente nurses claiming a lack of Ebola training at the hospital held a protest in Oakland on Tuesday in order to voice their concerns.  

The Kaiser Permanente medical professional, who apparently wished to remain anonymous for fear of losing her job at the hospital, spoke with local ABC News affiliate in San Diego 10News, which acquired a copy of the letter that was penned by Kaiser Permanente. A portion of the letter reads

Kaiser Permanente is fully prepared to evaluate and treat suspected and identified cases of Ebola while providing the utmost protection for all of our health care providers. We are confident in our preparedness plan, personal protective equipment and stringent attention to infection prevention measures, which follow the national standards set by the CDC….

For example, we are prepared, at any time, to isolate patients in specially-equipped rooms, designed for patients with potentially infectious disease. We have also developed a clear workflow that notifies an infectious disease physician to help with rapid expert evaluation of any potential cases.

The unnamed medical professional told 10News that no such isolation room has been set up to quarantine Ebola patients and that said procedures or guidelines have been established. 

“We’re all pretty upset about it and it seems like maybe they’re not taking it as seriously as it should be taken…I think the training needs to be on identifying these patients and transferring them as quickly as we can, isolating them and transferring them to a unit that can take care of them,” she told 10News.