While apathy has set in across the Golden State this Election Day, at least in statewide contests, several local ballot initiatives have excited voters in several California communities in particular. Here are ones to watch:

Measure L, Sacramento: Mayor Kevin Johnson has long been seeking to shift the city to a “strong mayor” model of governance. The controversial measure has led to strong opposition and is criticized as a power grab.

Measure E, San Francisco: Following in the footsteps of First Lady Michelle Obama’s campaign against sugary drinks, this would impose a 2-cent tax per ounce on sugared beverages–24 cents per soda can sold.

Measure D, Santa Monica: Aviation enthusiasts put this measure on the ballot to require any change by the city council to the Santa Monica Airport to be approved by referendum. Opposed by the council in Measure LC.

Measure P, Humboldt County: This local measure would ban genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from being raised or grown locally, after statewide voters rejected a similar ballot measure in the 2012 election.

Measure J, San Francisco: This initiative would raise the minimum wage in the city to $15 per hour by July 2018. Backed by unions, the measure was watered down by the Chamber of Commerce in exchange for support.

Measure R, Malibu: This measure would keep chain stores out of new developments in one of America’s richest and most beautiful communities. The debate has proved fodder for major celebrity grudge matches.

Senior Editor-at-Large Joel B. Pollak edits Breitbart California and is the author of the new ebook, Wacko Birds: The Fall (and Rise) of the Tea Party, available for Amazon Kindle.

Follow Joel on Twitter: @joelpollak