Tuesday was the worst day in the recent history of the Democratic Party–worse, by far, than the 2010 elections or even the 1994 “revolution.” It was bad because Democratic leaders insisted until the end that they would hold the Senate; worse because a sitting president was effectively neutralized for the remainder of his term; worst of all because every major race the Clintons involved themselves in went to the Republican candidate, regardless.

The defeat was total–from the Senate to the governorships to the symbolic figures like Wendy Davis and Sandra Fluke. The only bright spot was the election of Jerry Brown to an unprecedented–and, given new term limits, never-to-be-repeated–fourth term as governor of California. In fact, though he denies any interest in running for president, Jerry Brown is likely now the Democrats’ most viable candidate–more so than Hillary Clinton.

Brown’s victory in California was as complete as Republicans’ victory across the rest of the nation. Not only did he crush his Republican rival, but he convinced California voters to support a water bond, a rainy day fund, a reduction in prison sentences, and more. He may have run poorly among white voters, but far better than his party does elsewhere. He is Elizabeth Warren with real executive experience and without the fake heritage. 

If, as the conventional wisdom goes, the 2016 presidential contest begins Wednesday, then Jerry Brown has just earned his way into the field of contenders. He has the money and the ability to raise more: he amassed a giant campaign warchest in 2014, spending little on his own re-election and using the rest for his ballot measures. He is one of the only Democrat governors left with a real track record. 

“Brown 2016” suddenly looks promising.

Senior Editor-at-Large Joel B. Pollak edits Breitbart California and is the author of the new ebook, Wacko Birds: The Fall (and Rise) of the Tea Party, available for Amazon Kindle.

Follow Joel on Twitter: @joelpollak