Last week on the Daily Show, host Jon Stewart claimed, incorrectly, that the San Bernadino County police department had shot and killed a black suspect out of racial animus. In response, District Attorney Michael Ramos posted a video on YouTube in which he pointed out that the suspect was tased, not shot, and that he had been attacking a female officer. Stewart has now apologized–sort of–through the Daily Show‘s Twitter account:

Stewart and the Daily Show could not quite bring themselves to offer a full apology. Instead, they still insist that the “larger point still stands.” That larger point was that when suspects are killed, it is “a manifestation of systemic inequality and mistrust between the African-American community and these somehow always justified police.” 

In other words: the San Bernadino police might not have been guilty this time, but they are still racist.

Senior Editor-at-Large Joel B. Pollak edits Breitbart California and is the author of the new ebook, Wacko Birds: The Fall (and Rise) of the Tea Party, available for Amazon Kindle.

Follow Joel on Twitter: @joelpollak