California activist Robin Hvidson with We the People Rising (WTPR) and Stolen Lives Quilt told Breitbart California that the groups will “hold a stolen lives quilt display and stop Obama amnesty rally the same day sheriffs will be in Washington D.C.” The groups are partnering with others and meeting in front of the Orange County Sheriff’s office in Santa Ana, California on Wednesday, November 10.

Wednesday, Sheriffs from across the country, including California, are scheduled to meet with Senators Jeff Sessions and David Vitter at the United States Capitol building demanding action to secure the nation’s borders, as noted in a letter from Massachusetts, Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson. Hodgson’s letter stated, “25 people in the United States are killed each day by illegal immigrants” and “benefits are being given and violations of laws forgiven for a select group of non-citizens.”

Breitbart recently reported, “Sessions said Congress must block federal dollars–any and all funding, whether it be from fees or tax dollars or other revenue, as the Congressional Research Service (CRS) says is within Congress’ power–to implement the executive amnesty.”

Remembrance Project Stolen Lives Quilt founder Maria Espinoza will attend the Washington, D.C. Sheriff’s meeting. According to the project’s website, the organization, “educates, raises awareness, and conducts outreach in order to support and protect Americans and their families’ well-being and safety through upholding U.S. laws and following the Constitution.”

We The People Rising represents the Remembrance Project Stolen Lives Quilt in California. Group leader Hvidson relayed in recent communication to their supporters: “California volunteers will display the Stolen Lives Quilt banners during the Stop Obama Amnesty Rally.”

Hvidson wrote, “In support of the Sheriffs’ Washington, DC, meeting, local pro-law enforcement coalitions will stage a Stop Obama Amnesty Rally in front of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. In addition, nationwide, Citizen Lobbyists and activists are phoning, tweeting and visiting Congress Members’ district offices, calling for them, next week, to vote to defund Obama’s executive amnesty.”

Breitbart was present for and reported on a previous demonstration the group held on the National Remembrance Day for Victims Killed by Illegal Aliens. There the families of these fallen Americans stood up to recount their losses and the difficulties they have faced in seeing the illegal aliens responsible for their loved ones’ deaths either prosecuted or deported.

Past polling indicates that majorities of Hispanics support prioritizing border security and interior immigration law enforcement at a rate of six in ten. More recent polling from the Wall Street Journal and NBC indicates that only 42 percent of Hispanics agree with Obama’s recent executive action granting amnesty to those illegally present in the United States, according to Breitbart Texas.

In November, Breitbart Texas interviewed Puerto Rican attorney and former executive director of the Republican Hispanic Assembly of New Jersey, Samuel Rosado. who said, “Someone needs to take citizenship off the table, it’s clear that one of the big sticklers in the Senate bill was the pathway to citizenship, it’s the issue that gets Republicans hung up.”

A recent op-ed Rosado authored for National Review and noted in the Breitbart article included, “surveys suggest that taking citizenship eligibility off the table would not have turned off Latino support for a reform bill,” and continued, “But that’s not what the Democrats want. They have been using immigration reform as a political football with Latinos for years, and wholeheartedly rejected the idea of taking citizenship off the table.”

Communication from WTPR’s Hvidson provided commentary on the group’s 2015 citizen lobby goal, “A troubling trend has developed in Sacramento – there are Republican State Legislators who are voting yes, along with the Democrats, for very destructive CA bills. Citizen Lobbyists will be visiting Republican CA State Legislators in the upcoming year calling for them to ONLY vote for pro-American CA legislation.”

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