Police are reportedly investigating an incident caught on video of a protester as he assaulted a man attempting to prevent the looting of a Radio Shack during Sunday night’s protests in Berkeley, California. The protests, which have occasionally turned violent, are responding to recent grand jury decisions not to indict police officers in the deaths of black suspects Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

Just before being bashed in the head with a hammer, the victim was said to be attempting to protect the store from vandals and looters. Local news station KRON 4 stated Monday that while police are investigating they had not commented on whether the man had been seriously hurt.

Video of the incident was posted by Berkleyside:

A 9:52 am on December 8, a photo posted online claimed to be of the same man, his head wrapped in bandages.

The Berkeley Police Department did not immediately return request for comment.

Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter @MichelleDiana

Photo: Stillshot from Berkleyside video