In a push to improve cybersecurity Barack Obama plans to visit the Bay Area next week to hold a Cybersecurity Summit at Stanford University on Friday.

According to the Contra Costa Times, the president will meet with top policymakers, industry leaders and academics. In the aftermath of the massive North Korean hacking imbroglio at Sony late last year and current  scandals such as the Anthem insurance incident, Obama is making cybersecurity a high priority.

Also on his agenda, Obama will be attending a fundraiser on the same day at a private residence in San Francisco. As of April 2014, the National Journal reported that Obama had entertained 343 fundraisers:

That’s just about one every five days or so. Assuming he speaks for close to 15 minutes at each event, that’s well over 5,000 presidential minutes consumed by the dirty business of asking people for money. And that doesn’t include the prep, the glad-handing and hobnobbing, the photos, the private asides, the travel.