On Tuesday, Christopher Cadelago, political reporter in The Sacramento Bee‘s Capitol Bureau, revealed another example of exactly how strong the links remain between the mainstream media and the Democratic Party, tweeting:

Soller has impeccable leftist credentials; in addition to his pontifications for the Times, he has worked for the Service Employees International Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, and graduated from UC Berkeley.

Soller, of course, was no fan of George W. Bush; in 2005 he penned a column titled, “We Don’t [Love] Stinkin’ Yankee Running Dog Warmongers” in which he listed election results around the world in which leaders hostile to the Bush Administration were elected or reelected, including Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Gerhard Schroeder in Germany, Roh Moo-hyun in South Korea, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in Spain.

Soller reluctantly included John Howard of Australia, a strong supporter of Bush, for an attempt at balance, but when he mentioned another successful supporter, Tony Saca of El Salvador, he made sure to write, “U.S. popularity is falling across Latin America, especially in South America, where nearly 60% have a negative perception of the U.S. But Central America, and especially El Salvador, is the exception.”