Persistent criminal and sex offender Joseph Anthony Dominguez was discovered attempting to transport three Mexican citizens illegally present in the United States when they passed through a border patrol checkpoint earlier this week.

On Monday evening, Dominguez was driving the three men through the checkpoint when they were referred for secondary inspection. It was then that the men were discovered to be in the country illegally. Dominguez was the only noted U.S. citizen in the vehicle.

Border Patrol agents ran a criminal records check, which revealed that Dominguez is “is a register [sic] sex offender with an extensive criminal history including Negligent Homicide and Second Degree Burglary,” according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) release.

Dominguez served three years in prison for what the CBP release called “oral copulation with a person under 18 years of age.”

Dominguez was arrested and taken to Imperial County Jail. The three illegal aliens were taken to the Border Patrol station for processing.

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