Fresno State is launching a new program to make it easier for illegal immigrants to attend college courses and get a degree.

The program is part of the school’s attempt to help with the “unique challenges” faced by students in the United States illegally.

According to The Fresno Bee, the program will be directed by Fresno State’s Dream Outreach Center and is aimed at the roughly 600 illegal immigrants currently enrolled at school. The majority of those students “were brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents.” Fresno State president Joseph Castro said such illegals frequently have “more pronounced income challenges and may be less prepared than other students, even though they meet all the requirements. So what we’re trying to do is to make sure there’s a place for them to get all the support they need and to graduate and go out and become leaders in our community.”

There are no federal laws that specifically bar colleges and universities from accepting illegal immigrants. Rather, educational opportunities are largely a local issue and are handled on a state-by-state basis.

In 2011 California passed a Dream Act to provide university-aged illegal immigrants with “access to [taxpayer] funded financial aid for college.” They also “passed AB 540 in 2001, which allows most undocumented students who have attended California high schools to qualify for in-state tuition.”
The program being overseen by Fresno State’s Dream Outreach Center will also “assist [illegals] with paperwork that becomes complicated amid ever-changing immigration laws.”
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