As residents of Pope Valley, California, fled their homes to escape wildfires they left behind a sign that read: “Attention Scum, You Loot We Shoot.”

KRON 4 reports that the sign was discovered on September 15. It was posted without attribution “at the border of Pope Valley and Middletown where residents say there is real concern over someone taking advantage of their misfortune.”

Middletown resident Richard Woita stressed that residents who were able to stay behind will be keeping their eyes open. He said, “We put out the word. You know, the people who are left here just look out for one another.” 

Concerns over looting arose after authorities announced “the arrest of at least two suspects with burned out safes in their vehicle.” These arrests were accompanied by “reports of looting in the wake of the 70,000 acre wildfire.”

Another Middletown residient, Bo Sheffer, warned fellow residents to “exercise caution when using social media because there are reports that looters are using those platforms to locate evacuated homes.”

As an extra precaution on Tuesday night, only media, first responsders, and “those authorized by law enforcement” were allowed to enter Middletown.

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