A clever advertising campaign hatched by the Atlanta Hawks draws the talents of Ashley Madison to seduce customers to buy the special ten-night package deal at a preferred price with options.

No not that Ashley Madison. In a press release on Friday the Hawks announced that the team signed three real-life people named Ashley Madison to promote the team’s new 10-game flex plans.

One of the advertising videos depicts a lovely Ashley Madison suggesting that if your current team doesn’t give you the same “rush” she use to, with the new “flex plan” you can get “ten nights of pure unadulterated excitement.” The plans allow people to buy 10 tickets and choose games in the package, deploying a “cheating on your other team” motif.

In August hackers compromised the identities of tens of millions of patrons using the services of Ashley Madison, a rendezvous website for adulterers interested in procuring extramarital affairs.

The ad campaign by the Hawks parodies the rather controversial scandal, so it will certainly raise eyebrows for many potential ticket buyers.