An organization called Affordable Homeless Housing Alternatives is proposing to build tiny houses for homeless people in the Northern California town of Eureka.

According to the Eureka-Times Standard, the houses are “hand-crafted” and pack a number of features into a very small space, including “bedrooms, a greenhouse, and even a shower and sauna.” Villages of tiny houses already exist in “Eugene, Oregon; Olympia, Washington; Madison, Wisconsin; and Austin, Texas.”

The tiny houses would not be permanent dwellings. Rather, they would offer homeless people a way to make the transition from street life to proper housing, while gaining access to basic necessities.

A village of tiny houses is also reportedly more cost-effective than other alternatives. In Eugene, 35 people were housed for a cost of $100,000, the organization says.

One home appears to look like a large scale version of a doll’s house, while another seems to be a large barrel.

Many California cities have large homeless populations, especially in winter months, as homeless people from elsewhere in the nation trek to the Golden State for the warmer weather.

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