Neighbors of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have publicly vented their ire at Zuckerberg because his security detail has been taking choice parking spots.

Zuckerberg first irritated his neighbors when he renovated his $10 million home on Fair Oaks Street, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Once Zuckerberg’s security team started parking their two silver SUV’s near the building, neighbors started circulating a letter bashing the Internet titan, reading, “Now that the circus is done, we are left with 2 silver SUV’s permanently occupying desirable parking spots.”

The letter urges neighbors to report Zuckerberg to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and notify Zuckerberg’s residential security manager, Tim Wenzel, when they see the security vehicles using the parking spaces:

We’ve spoken to the security guards and they were cordial but ultimately have been instructed by their supervisors to not move the cars under any circumstances. They acknowledge that they are occupying the space with no turnover and illegally … I want to add that Zuck’s guards could park in his driveway or in front of his driveway with no issue but refuse to do so as that is not what they are instructed to do.

A Zuckerberg spokesman told BuzzFeed News, “The security team’s cars are parked in accordance with local parking laws. The team strives to be sensitive to neighbors’ concerns and regrets any inconvenience.”

Zuckerberg’s neighbors were subjected to all sorts of problems after construction began on his home in 2013: “No parking” signs were placed on 21st Street near Dolores Street that kept them from parking outside their own homes for roughly 17 months; backhoes and jackhammers created terrible noise; and sidewalks were torn up for new fiber-optic cables connecting to the home.