1/27/2016 – Hartford, Connecticut

Breitbart readers from Hartford CT gathered to speak with Breitbart News’ Sonnie Johnson…and she burned the place to the ground. Okay, a fire in an apartment over the The Black Bear Saloon set off the alarms but Sonnie kept the crowd engaged speaking on Republican history, cultural differences, and the current state of conservatism.

Johnson started the conversation with her memories of Andrew Breitbart and quickly brought his spirit and fight into the room. “I never presume I know what you need to know. Do you want to start with questions or just let me speak what’s on my heart?”

To which the crowd replied, “Speak, Sonnie, speak.” Johnson covered Black History Month, Hip Hop culture, and the importance of respecting another person’s idea of liberty.

One of the attendees, a black conservative woman, Theresa Tillett, couldn’t leave the event without hugging Johnson multiple times. “We have to save our community. We can’t keep pointing fingers. We have to be the answer.”

Another attendee, a young millennial named Amy wasn’t interested in Johnson’s politics. She was more touched by Johnson’s admittance that she had struggled with her faith in the political movement. Johnson told her, “God will win. Stop fighting him. And the beauty is when you stop fighting, you get to see the wonder God already has planned for you.

The night ended with Sonnie and Amy holding hands in prayer.



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