On Saturday, San Francisco nudists marched from Castro and Market streets to City Hall to hold the “Valentine’s Nude Love Parade,” to celebrate “love,” according to its organizer.

Gypsy Taub, a local nude activist who wants to reverse the 2013 S.F. nudity ban, gushed, “The human body is a beautiful thing. We’re all born naked. There’s nothing wrong with our bodies,” as seen on KPIX and reported by the San Francisco Chronicle.

Supervisor Scott Wiener, when supporting the 2013 ban, had said, “Taking your pants off in Castro Market and displaying your genitals to everyone; that’s not free expression.”

The law had permitted nudity during festivals, parades and fairs, but when Taub applied for a permit, it was rejected. Taub told KPIX, “I applied for a permit in September, it was also denied, and a district judge ordered a TRO, which is a temporary restraining order against the SFPD, and he ordered them to give us a permit.” Taub and the Body Freedom Network collaborated to obtain a permit.

Officer Carlos Manfredi said, “They’re allowed to be naked if they want to within the confines of the permit; they’re not violating any laws.”

Protesters held signs reading, “We are born without shame,” “War is obscene not nudity.”

Taub enthused to KPIX, “We’re hoping that this is going to turn into a long standing tradition here in the city and the rest of the world.”

On her website, Taub writes she “was born and raised in Moscow, the land of Pussy Riot. I live in San Francisco with my 3 kids. I have been an activist for over almost 12 years. Anti-war activist, 911 truther, media activist and now a nudist activist … I am a psychedelic advocate and healer. Legalization of sacred psychedelic medicine is one of my big dreams along with world peace, a healthy green planet Earth, and abundance for all.”