Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) praised Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as “the best secretary of state we’ve ever had” during her speech at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on Wednesday.

The “proud Democrat from the progressive state of California” let the crowd know that Clinton is America’s “winner in waiting,” and announced that she was “thrilled” about Clinton’s “work to unite and strengthen our Democratic Party.”

Waters, who has served in Congress since 1991, said Clinton’s experience as the First Lady, as a United States Senator, and “as the best secretary of state we’ve ever had, uniquely qualifies her to be the next president.”

Her statement mirrored the sentiments of Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) the night before. Boxer said Clinton had restored America’s standing in the world as Secretary of State.”

During her speech, Waters took on the National Rifle Association and suggested that the gun rights group “has intimated a lot of members of Congress. But Hillary Clinton is not intimidated by the NRA. Gun violence must stop in this country. She will not rule with fear and projections of failure. And while she will work support our police she will also support fair and just police policies.”

Adding, “the lost lives of unarmed citizens must stop” and “Black Lives Matter,” Waters held up her right fist in a power salute, which has been adopted by the movement.

Female empowerment was also highlighted during her speech:

I’m proud to support a woman has the skill to meet with world leaders, kings and queens and who commands respect from our friends and our foes alike. I’m elated to have a candidate who really understands diplomacy, global security and the importance of climate protection. I’m so thankful we have Hillary Clinton, whose life of public service is not mythical, but real and profound.

Finally, Waters said: “… women of America, women of the world: We will be treated with dignity and respect. We will not be judged by our appearance or our size or our accent … [W]e will demonstrate our talents and we will prosper.”

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