A young woman was arrested for a hit-and-run that injured a bicyclist just hours after she had posted a picture of her new Mercedes-Benz to Instagram.

Just before 11 p.m. Tuesday evening, a bicyclist “suffered lacerations and, possibly, a lower-leg fracture” from being hit by a car, according to the Orange Country Register, which cited Costa Mesa police Sgt. Dan Miles.

The man that was hit provided police with a description of the vehicle responsible for causing his injuries. He described a gray Mercedes that officers set out to find. The local news report noted that they were looking for a Mercedes with front end damage, and found the vehicle just blocks away.

Miles was cited as saying that they found the vehicle with “front-end damage on the driver and passenger side that was consistent with the bike accident.” After the car was pulled over, the driver, 22-year-old Aya Ibish, was subjected to a field sobriety test and subsequently arrested on suspicion of “felony DUI causing injury and felony hit-and-run causing injury,” according to the local news report. She is reportedly from Laguna Beach.

Ibish had posted a photo of herself with the new Benz to Instagram in the hours before her arrest. The post was apparently later deleted.

Ibish appears to have been released at the time of this report, after being booked into custody. She appears to have posted bond for release.

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