A San Francisco woman arrived home Wednesday to find that a stranger had broken into her home to use her bathroom and take a shower.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, police said the resident, 33, found the 20-year-old woman in her home located on the 1400 block of Fulton Street when she arrived home that evening, around 6 p.m.

The residence is located in San Francisco’s North of the Panhandle neighborhood.

Police reportedly did not immediately release the suspect’s name. The Chronicle notes that they did not say if she tried to take anything other than soap and water.

The Bay Area has been riddled with soaring rents and a growing gentrification.

The recent fire in an illegally converted Oakland warehouse named the “Ghost Ship” drew national attention to this growing issue. The unaffordable rents have pushed many — mostly from Northern California’s artistic communities — to take up non-traditional living arrangements in off-the-grid places like the Oakland warehouse that offers less expensive accommodations.

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