Approximately 200 demonstrators used their bodies to form the word “RESIST” on the lawn of a public park located at President Donald Trump’s golf course in Rancho Palos Verdes on Saturday, to protest his policies and urge him to release his tax returns.

The group “Indivisible San Pedro” reportedly organized the event.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the crowd included babies as young as 1½-years-old, and retirees.

Peter M. Warren, a retired journalist and member of “Indivisible San Pedro” told the Times that the group chose to spell out the word “RESIST!” because, “It was just too hard to spell out ‘Release your taxes.’ It was just a way to express our love for the country.”

Saturday morning’s protest was a peaceful one, and sheriff’s deputies who were called to the scene reportedly watched from a balcony at the golf course’s clubhouse and did not intervene.

Trump’s Rancho Palos Verdes golf course was also the target of anonymous environmental activists n March. The “anonymous environmental activist collective” reportedly vandalized the course by carving “NO MORE TIGERS, NO MORE WOODS” into the grass.

In a statement to the Washington Post, the group said, “In response to the president’s recent decision to gut our existing protection policies, direct action was conceived and executed on the green of his California golf course in the form of a simple message: NO MORE TIGERS. NO MORE WOODS.”

California Governor Jerry Brown, while a fierce opponent of President Trump, has said he declines to use the word “resistance” to describe opposition to Trump: “I don’t use the term resistance … That was a term I associate with the French underground and people who risked their lives. So I don’t know that that’s a fair, apt metaphor for the latest contretemps over policy,” Brown told the New York Times last month.

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