Former San Diego mayor Bob Filner, who was forced out by sexual harassment scandals shortly after taking office, is on a new mission: “I’m helping the #Left become #progressive again!”

Filner’s tweet, via the San Diego Union-Tribune, links to his personal page, There, he advertises his book, Trumping Trump: Making Democrats Progressive Again.

His bio reads:

For a big part of Bob Filner’s life he’s tried to push forward a progressive agenda into national legislation. But the ability to implement massive political changes on issues that are key progressive ideas is hampered by arcane rules and big money from special-interest groups.

He was elected as San Diego’s first Democratic mayor in over a generation for good reason. He’s a man who believes that progressive values and actions are worth fighting for.

Trumping Trump is all about the progress Bob made in his 30+ years in politics, but it’s also about what’s still left to be done.

The bio does not mention the scandal that ended Filner’s brief tenure as mayor, replete with multiple victims, Gloria Allred press conferences, and marches by outraged citizens.

It does not appear that Filner is seeking public office, but rather is working to re-establish his political voice. He has caught the “Resistance” wave and is shaping himself as a provider of anti-Trump advice for fellow “progressives.”

His comeback effort follows the path blazed by Democrat operative Robert Creamer, who was convicted of check kiting and used his time in federal prison to write a left-wing manual, Listen to Your Mother: Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He was named one of the “most influential” people in news media in 2016. He is the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.