Progressive Democrat billionaire and environmental activist Tom Steyer believes California’s nearly 10 million millennials are the key to seeing a Democrat-controlled Congress, and he is reportedly prepared to spend at least $3.5 million of his own money to achieve it.

“We really believe in millennials being integral, involved American citizens in our political process,” Steyer told the Sacramento Bee interview in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday. “Millennials have voted at half the rate of other American citizens and they’re also the biggest age demographic. So the opportunity to make a difference is clearly gigantic.”

Steyer’s group NextGen America reportedly has 15 full-time staff working on its millennial outreach program in the Golden State’s seven Republican congressional districts which voted for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016. Steyer’s goal is to bring at least 250,000 millennials to the polls in November.

Steyer has supported both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

In January, Steyer told the Voice of OC, “This county [Orange County] is possibly the single most significant county in terms of controlling the House of Representatives.” He is focused on turning four at-risk red seats blue a.

This week, Steyer told the Bee that he believes he can replicate last fall’s Virginia statewide elections which saw turnout among millennials.

“I asked the people on our team, ‘is Virginia replicable?’ And they said ‘yes,'” Steyer told the Bee. But he reporteldy added, “The proof of the pudding will be in the eating.”

Adelle Nazarian is a politics and national security reporter for Breitbart News. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.