TEL AVIV – Zvika Klein, a reporter for the Hebrew-language website NRG, fabricated a news website which ran the headline “7 men shot dead during Paris attack; 129 dead” and recorded people’s reactions in a viral video.

The fake news item was part of an experiment designed to highlight the hypocrisy of the world’s media in its treatment of terror inflicted on Israeli citizens by Palestinians. In those instances, there have been countless misleading headlines in which the death of the killer is reported and the victims are either not mentioned at all or receive a cursory mention as an afterthought.

In the video, Klein asked people on the street what they think of the headline.

“It’s very shocking,” said one woman. While another man points out that the headline is an outright lie.

A third passerby asserted the importance of labelling terrorists as such. “It’s important to call them terrorists, because they are not people like us, you know?”

See the video here:

Two recent examples of media bias include Reuters’ headline from last Friday’s vehicular attack in which a Palestinian terrorist rammed into two IDF soldiers.  The headline read, “Palestinian dies in ramming attack” with no mention of the victims.

The BBC also ran a glaringly misleading headline following the stabbing attack which kicked off the latest round of terrorism back in October. The headline read, “Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two.”

Klein was also behind the video “10 hours of walking in Paris as a Jew” which highlighted the rise of anti-Semitism in France. The video has close to 5 million views on YouTube.