Deputy head of the illegal Islamic Movement in Israel, Sheikh Kamal Khatib, said in a Friday sermon that the West is behind religious wars in the world.

According to the video of the sermon posted by MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute), Khatib said of the Paris attacks: “What happened in Paris is not [proper] Muslim conduct, but still…120 [sic.] dead?! What are 120 dead compared to the 40,000 Protestants killed by Catholics in that very same Paris?” The West has “pitted the whole world against Islam, portraying the Muslims as criminals, as bloodsuckers…. Every Muslim living among you has become a target!” he said.

“Who is behind these religious wars? As I said at the beginning, when you look at the world today, you see that it is bracing itself for religious wars. But who is causing these wars? They are.”

Read more at The Jerusalem Post