TEL AVIV – Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement continues to celebrate its 51st anniversary, this time broadcasting a documentary that claims Europe created Israel to “get rid of the corrupt, scheming Jews” who were “bringing tragedy” to​ the continent, P​alestinian ​   M​edia ​W​atch ​reported.

The film, broadcast​by official PA TV on New Year’s Day, opens with a classic demonization of Jews. “[Europe] suffered a tragedy by providing refuge for the Jews​. ​… Faced with the Jews’ schemes, Europe could not bear their character traits, monopolies, corruption, and their control and climbing up positions in government.”

Finally, when the Balfour Declaration facilitated the establishment of “a national home” for the Jews, Europe supported it because it “saw it as an ideal solution to get rid of them.” See the video below:

Palestinian historical revisionism ​includes the denial of any Jewish connection to the land of Israel. This is the reason the PA teaches that Zionism was not a Jewish idea to return Jews to their homeland,​ but a European attempt to be rid of the Jews who​allegedly ​caused so much suffering in Europe.

Fatah began “celebrations” of its anniversary at the end of last month  by posting images of knives and bullets with slogans like, “With blood we will redeem the homeland and saturate its ground.”

The 51st anniversary marks Fatah’s first terror attack against Israel with an attempt to bomb Israel’s National Water Carrier on January 1, 1965.